The 12 Best Countries for History Buffs (ranked)

One of the greatest joys of travelling to a new destination is discovering its past and exploring its historical destinations.

But while all countries have a unique story, not all are equally rich in history. Some are very young, stretching back only a couple hundred years, while others trace their origins back thousands of years. Others may be old, but have very few historical places to visit.

So, as a history buff, how do you decide which countries to visit? Which country has the best history? Which are going to be the best at satisfying your unquenchable thirst for ancient ruins, mediaeval castles, and museums?

Whether you’re planning your own historical vacation, or just curious to know which country has the richest heritage you’re in the right place, because in this list I’ve broken it down to the absolute 12 best countries for history buffs, ranked in order.

Table of Contents

How this list works

While ultimately the best country for history buffs is a matter of opinion, we’re going to do our best to make this list as objective as possible. But how do we do that?

Do we rank them based on the number of UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites? If so then Egypt, a nation whose name is almost synonymous with history, doesn’t even make the top 40.

What about the age of the country? Well, that’s a hard one to figure out. Was India founded when the British withdrew in 1947? Or when the Mauryan Empire first united the subcontinent in 300 BCE?

Do we consider how easy it is to travel the country? If so then historically rich nations like Iran, Iraq or Syria certainly wouldn’t make the list, and it would instead be almost entirely made up of European countries.

What about ranking them by how good their museums are? In that case, European nations will again fill this list, although many of the best artefacts found in their museums may not actually come from their country.

Or we could consider the size of the country. The bigger it is, the higher the number of historical places it will have, right?

So how do we decide? There’s no one correct method, and in this list we’ll be considering all of these things and more to decide which countries ultimately provide the best value for a history buff such as yourself.

With that out of the way, here are the 12 best countries for history buffs.

The 12 Best Countries for History Buffs

12 | Spain

alhambra, spain
Seville Cathedral in Spain
Seville Cathedral
cordoba roman bridge, spain
Cordoba Roman Bridge

Starting off, the 12th best country for history buffs is Spain.

With the 4th most UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites in the world (44), this Iberian nation is filled to the brim with historical destinations. It was one of the first regions outside of Italy to become part of the Roman Empire, and this heritage can be found in many ancient sites scattered across the country (like the impressive Cordoba Roman Bridge).

For 700 years the Iberian Peninsular was ruled by Islamic Arabic powers, leaving a unique influence on Spain’s culture & architecture and separating it from other Western European countries. Despite being driven out by the Reconquista, this Islamic heritage can still be seen in amazing places like Alhambra and the Great Mosque of Cordoba.

It was then the seat of the 5th largest empire in history (by land area), and all that colonial wealth flowed back to Spain and into the architecture, seen through the amazing churches and palaces like those in Madrid.

Without a doubt, Spain is one of the most historically rich nations in Europe, and a must-visit for history buffs.

Some of the amazing historical sites you can visit in Spain include:

  • Alhambra
  • Cordoba Roman Bridge
  • Seville Cathedral
  • El Escorial
  • Castillo de Coca

11 | Japan

fukuoka castle, japan
Fukuoka Castle
hiroshima peace memorial, japan
Hiroshima Peace Memorial
himeji castle, japan
Himeji Castle

The Land of the Rising Sun is underrated when it comes to its historical value. Its a country that’s associated with modernity, and while it doesn’t have places as ancient as its mainland neighbours, you’d be surprised just how many historical sites Japan has to offer. 

Take Tokyo for example, which has more museums (923) and historical sites (629) than any other city in the world. Across the rest of the country you’ll find 19 UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites, the 3rd most of any country in Asia. 

Japan’s history is made all the more interesting by the fact that it has remained relatively isolated from the rest of the world throughout most of its past, either geographically or by its own political policies. This has caused it to develop a culture and style of architecture that’s distinguished from other Asian nations. 

Not to mention, Japan is also incredibly safe and modernised, making it one of the easiest countries in Asia to travel. 

Some of the best historical sites you can visit in Japan include:

  • Meiji Jingu
  • Fukuoka Castle
  • Hiroshima Peace Memorial
  • Himeji Castle
  • Sensoji Temple
  • The Edo Tokyo Museum

10 | Peru

the ancient lost city of machu picchu, peru
Machu Picchu
the nazca lines in peru
Nazca Lines
ancient ruins at chan chan, peru
Chan Chan

Without a doubt the best country for history buffs in South America is Peru. 

The history of this country goes back a surprisingly long way by native American standards, tracing its origins to around 2500 BCE. However, it’s more famously known as the home to the largest empire in pre-columbian Americas: the Incan Empire. 

Incan history is incredibly unique, largely on account of them developing entirely isolated from any other major civilisation. Without iron, steel, or horses they controlled an area 2500 miles from North to South, and built surprisingly advanced feats of architecture and engineering. Not to mention the first interactions between the Incas and Spanish is without a doubt one of the most unique events in human history. 

This history is alive and well in Peru. The country only has 9 UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites, but don’t let this fool you, the nation is rich in history, and the sites are different to any other. 

Its uniqueness, significance in the history of the Americas, and the fame of some of its sites (like Machu Picchu and the Nazca Lines) earn Peru a place at number 10 on this list.  

Some of the best historical places that make Peru such a great destination include:

  • Machu Picchu
  • Chan Chan
  • Nazca Lines 
  • Cusco
  • Caral Pyramids

9 | France

mont saint michel in france
Mont Saint Michel
nimes arena in france
Nimes Arena
palace of versailles in france
Palace of Versailles

With its countless palaces, churches, roman ruins, castles & chateaux, it should come as no surprise that France is one of the best countries for history buffs. 

The capital of Paris was, and to some extent still is, considered the cultural capital of the world. It has more landmarks than any other city in the world (like the Eiffel Tower) and is renowned for some of the best museums, especially when it comes to art (such as the Louvre or the Pompidou). 

And that history isn’t just limited to Paris. Across the country you’ll find the 3rd highest number of UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites in the world (44), including well-preserved leftovers from the Roman Empire, like the Pont du Gard or Nimes Arena. 

That’s all part of the reason that France is the most visited country in the world (seeing over 90 million visitors in 2019). 

Some of the best historical places you can visit in France include: 

  • Palace of Versailles 
  • Mont Saint Michel 
  • The Paris Catacombs
  • Nimes Arena
  • Notre Dame Cathedral
  • Eiffel Tower 
  • D-Day Landing Beaches

8 | Cambodia

angkor wat in cambodia
Angkor Wat
Preah Vihear in Cambodia
Preah Vihear
Koh Ker Pyramid in Cambodia
Koh Ker

The former home to the legendary Khmer Empire, Cambodia is without a doubt the best country in South-East Asia for history buffs. 

Have you heard of the famous Angkor Wat? Even if you haven’t, I’m willing to bet you’ve seen it somewhere before, perhaps on a postcode, a travel commercial, or even on Cambodia’s national flag.  

This picturesque temple is one of many just like it, found within the Angkor Archeological Park. The ruins of one of the largest cities of the middle ages, Angkor is without a doubt one of the best historical sites in the world, and it alone should be enough to include Cambodia on this list. 

But while this massive ancient city is Cambodia’s highlight, the country has so much more to offer. You could spend weeks exploring the many ancient ruins of this country, some of which have only recently been re-discovered, and no doubt many more are still hidden in Cambodia’s jungles. 

Some of the amazing historical sites to visit in Cambodia include:

  • Angkor Wat
  • Tuol Sleng & the Killing Fields
  • Preah Vihear
  • Phnom Kulen
  • Koh Ker Pyramid
tenochtitlan, mexico
chichen itza, mexico
Chichén Itzá
uxmal, mexico

If you had to pick the best country in the America’s for history buffs, it has to be Mexico.

This Central American is home to some of the biggest pyramids outside of Egypt (like the Pyramid of the Sun) and boasts the most UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites of any country outside of Eurasia (27). 

It’s in Mexico that 2 of the most prominent pre-Columbian civilisations, first the Mayans then the Aztecs, built their empires, and their incredible ruins are scattered across the country. 

Pre-columbian civilisations like these developed isolated from those in Eurasia, and their downfall at the hands of disease and Spanish conquest is one of the most significant events in human history. They truly are ‘lost civilizations’, and their history is something that makes Mexico unique.

Some of their most amazing historical sites include:

  • Chichén Itzá
  • Teotihuacan
  • El Tajín
  • Uxmal
  • Palenque

6 | Turkey

the hagia sophia in instanbul
Hagia Sophia
ancient roman ruins at ephesus, turkey
Cappadocia underground city

Surprisingly, not many people think of Turkey when it comes to the best historical destinations. But I’m going to change your mind. 

Turn the clocks back thousands of years, to the very first civilizations in the world. While the area around Iraq, Syria and Egypt is commonly associated with the birth of civilization, this also extended to the area of modern-day Turkey, with civilisations like the Hattians and the Hittites. 

Then came the Persian Empire, then Macedonia, followed by Rome & Byzantium, and finally the Ottoman Empire. 

Turkey has been a part of some of the most famous Empires in human history, and they each left their mark. As a result, Turkey boasts 19 UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites, one of which (Gobekli Tepe) is 7000 years older than the pyramids of Egypt. 

Roman theatres, Byzantine churches, Arab mosques, and thousand year old underground cities. Turkey is a top-tier historical destination. 

Some of the amazing places you can visit here include: 

  • Hagia Sophia 
  • Ephesus
  • Topkapı Palace
  • The Blue Mosque
  • Van Castle
  • Cappadocia Underground Cities

5 | Greece

the acropolis, greece
ancient ruins in Mycenae, greece
ancient ruins in knossos, greece

Ah, Greece. The birthplace of democracy. Home to the legendary Spartan warriors. The writers of the most famous pieces of classic literature, such as Odyssey and the Iliad. The birthplace to Alexander the Great. Worshipers of Zeus and Hercules. 

I could go on, but the point is a lot of history took place in Greece and its culture was so influential that here we are, over a thousand years later, talking about their leaders, their literature, their politics and their religion. 

With such an impactful history, it makes sense that so many people want to visit Greece, and is part of the reason Athens won the World Travel Awards ‘Leading Cultural City Destination’ for both 2022 and 2023. 

With 17 UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites, there’s a lot of amazing historical places to explore in Greece, including: 

  • The Acropolis
  • Akrotiri
  • Temple of Hephaestus
  • Mycenae
  • Mystras
  • Knossos

4 | Egypt

the pyramids of giza in egypt
Giza Pyramids
inside a temple in the valley of the kings, egypt
Valley of the Kings
luxor temple in egypt
Luxor Temple

Does Egypt even need an introduction? 

The historical sites found in this country are among the most awe-inspiring in the world. But of course you already knew this, you’ve already heard about the pyramids, which only proves why Egypt belongs on this list despite only having 6 UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites. 

It is arguably the world’s oldest nation. It existed in a similar form as it is today, with similar borders, over 5000 years ago and many of its historical sites are just as old. 

Their feats of engineering are so impressive, and so old, that conspiracy theorists today like to claim they were built by aliens, which shows how advanced ancient Egypt was for the time. 

If you’re a history buff, you need to visit Egypt at least once in your life.

Some of the ancient sites you can visit include:

  • Giza
  • Abu Simbel
  • Saqqara
  • Dendera
  • Luxor Temple
  • Valley of the Kings

3 | China

the great wall in china
The Great Wall
The terracotta warriors in Xian, china
Terracotta Army
the forbidden city in Beijing China
Forbidden Palace

With a history going back thousands of years, and just as many historical places, China deserves a place on the podium as the 3rd best country in the world for history buffs. 

This massive country has the 5th most UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites in the world at 39. On a side note, it also has the most UNESCO Natural World Heritage Sites in the world (14), all the better if you want to see some amazing nature as well as history. 

The North China Plain is considered one of the 3 cradles of civilization, along with the Fertile Crescent and the Indus River, and throughout its long history it has consistently been the home to some of the wealthiest and most populated empires in history. 

That wealth & abundance has allowed the Chinese dynasties to create some of the most spectacular historical sites you’ll ever see, making China one of the best historical destinations you can visit. 

In recent decades, China has developed rapidly and is now very safe and easy to travel. Flights to Beijing are relatively cheap no matter where you’re coming from, and, with an extensive high-speed rail network, you can visit a lot of places on a short trip. 

Some of the the incredible historical places you can explore in China include:

  • The Great Wall
  • The Forbidden City
  • The Terracotta Army
  • Potala Palace
  • The Summer Palace
  • Mogao Grottoes

2 | India

the red fort in delhi, india
Red Fort
a cave temple at ellora caves, India
Ellora Caves
an ancient temple in hampi, india

If there’s one word I had to use to describe India’s history, it’s ‘dense’. 

No matter where you go in this country, you’ll find something. It seems that every nook & cranny was once the capital of a kingdom, home to an ancient temple, or the site of a massive battle. There’s a story everywhere you go. 

Many travellers are hesitant about visiting India. And it’s true that the country is more difficult to travel to than most others on this list. It’s chaotic and an assault on the senses. But for those with a sense of adventure, it’s well worth the effort. 

With the 6th most UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites in the world (34), it’s hard to even know where to start in India. From the distinct Hindu temples in the south, to the Islamic fortresses in the north-western deserts, to the rich Tibetan Buddhist culture in the Himalayas, India’s historical sites are diverse. 

With such a large and diverse number of historical sites to see, India rightly deserves its spot as the 2nd best country for history buffs. 

Some of the best places to visit in India include: 

  • Ellora & Ajanta Caves
  • Hampi
  • Red Fort
  • Taj Mahal
  • Jaisalmer Fort


The Colosseum, Rome, italy
The Colosseum
Pompeii, Italy
The forum, Rome.
The Forum

Coming out on top, the absolute best country in the world for history buffs is, without a doubt, Italy. 

This should come as no surprise. It has more UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Sites than any other country in the world (53). Its capital of Rome has more historical walking areas than any other city (50). 

It was the seat of one of the most influential empires in human history. The Roman Empire was so influential that today over 30% of the world’s population speaks a language that is descended from, or heavily influenced by, Latin. It’s no wonder Italy is considered ‘the cradle of western civilisation.’

Its historical sites are unparalleled. From the massive Colosseum arena, to the remarkably well preserved city of Pompeii, to the ‘floating’ city of Venice, the places you can explore in this country are unlike any other. 

A report by the US News & World Report, which surveyed 20,000 people, ranked Italy as number 1 for cultural influence and heritage. 

Italy is home to some of the most renowned historical places on the planet, including: 

  • The Colosseum
  • Pantheon
  • The Forum
  • Pompeii and Herculaneum 
  • Vatican City

If you’re a history buff and you’re going travelling, there’s no place that will give you more value than Italy.

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